Thursday, November 5, 2009


why do I only write when I've had some sips of alcohol?
And why, oh why, don't I write more?
I am writing, my friends. I am. Just not to you ;) Formal reports, school assignments, and pithy Facebook status updates are taking all of my time.
But soon! soon there will be a break in my studies. Soon my musical friends will have news. Soon there will be a new video. Soon I'll have time to start that new blog I've been talking about.
here's what I've been doing lately:
learning about roller derby - I have skates! I've used them once so far (got them on Tuesday), and fell on my ass. HARD. Multiple times. But, you know, the pain wasn't so bad. I mean, it hurt. But I got back up. And when the rain subsides, I'm excited to get back out there and skate again. And, in a few weeks, I'm trying out for a spot on a roller derby team. It's really awesome, and at the same time, really stupid. I shouldn't do contact sports at all, seeing as how I only have one kidney, and if anything happens to it I'm screwed. But... I WANT TO, you know? I want to be a tough bitch. I want to be part of a team of tough bitches. I can strap on a padded belt and be fine, right?
have you ever noticed that derby girls wear far less protective padding than hockey players?
copyediting. Not that you can tell from my blogging style... but I'm actually pretty good at it. I know my writing is horrible, but no-one's paying me to correct it, so I don't really care :)
drinking! I'm excellent at it. I'm drunk right now, can't you tell?

I'm thinking the new blog will be a videoblog, so it'll be pretty Youtube-dependent, but I think it will be good. I had a music video blog YEARS ago, A. and I shared one, we each wrote one review (mine was for a Theory of a Dead Man video, and I believe hers was for a Blur video...?) and then it died... but that was before Blogger, WordPress, and all these other great tools. You know, really, I've been blogging since the 90's... I made my first "personal web log" on Geocities back in 1998. 11 years of blogging, yo. Right here. It's amazing to see how far the internet has progressed in that time. It used to be, to even WRITE a page, you had to know HTML coding. How many bloggers these days even have to bother with the tags, hmmm? How many bloggers know the difference between

? I took a web design class last year, and the prof. didn't teach that in class. I felt so old. But then again, everything about university makes me feel old. I'm 10 years older than the average 1st-year student. I'm 11 years out of high school. Blah.
does anyone even use ICQ anymore? H. and I used it for a while, when we were on our "secret conversation" kick... we'd chat in MSN, and tell each other secrets in ICQ at the same time :) Very cute :) We're not that cute anymore. Tonight we forgot to make dinner, and ate chocolate almonds while watching hockey. I drank red wine and cut video...
If you could work for anyone, who would it be and why? I think I'd want to work for Tim Burton... I have no idea what he's like to work with, but his films are incredible, and I would love to say I helped create one of those visions, you know? It would be an amazing learning experience...

1 comment:

Amanda Thomson said...

A. informs me that the video she reviewed was actually "She Will Be Loved" by.. what was that band called again? And then I forgot the log-in name (and therefore couldn't log in) so the site died :(