Friday, July 24, 2009

Cleanse: Day 3 *yawn*

I'm tired, and really have no mental energy for this. So I'm not even going to try and string complete sentences together. Here's what happened on Day 3:
Once again, I didn't eat until 1pm. Don't know why I'm doing that, it just seems to happen. Then I made myself a big salad, with the rest of the leftover baby potatoes, some raspberries from my mom's garden, greens, walnuts, and a homemade vinagrette. Very good, although I probably should have cut the potatoes into smaller pieces.
I spent most of the day in front of the computer, writing yesterday's blog and playing WoW. I just... didn't want to do anything. After the cleaning spree of the day before, I guess I was tired. I did perk up a little after taking the multivitamin - apparently I should read labels, because the vitamin I'm taking is chock-full of green tea extract. At least I'm getting SOME caffeine, I guess.
I felt really dirty. Even after a long shower and a good scrub, I felt... I don't know. Greasy, I guess. I get the occasional zit, one here or there, you know what I mean? Yesterday I had three new ones on my chin. That's very strange. Is this the "toxins" trying to get out of my body? I don't know.
When H. got home from work, he immediately went to the cupboard above the fridge - the one where I'm hiding all the tempting foods - and took out a bag of chips. He snacked on those while I cooked dinner - a big veggie stir-fry, with tofu marinated in garlic, ginger and soy sauce. The websites said garlic and ginger are really good cleansing foods so I used lots of them... 6 or 7 cloves of garlic, and a whole ginger root (peeled, of course). I thought it was really good - at least it wasn't bland! - but H. didn't seem too fond of it.
So after dinner we went to the grocery store. I bought strawberries and grapes. H. bought chocolate, gummy bears, and cereal. He had so much trouble picking out cereal. I said to him, "you should get the cereal you loved most when you were a kid." Why did I say that? Because I knew it would be something loaded with sugar, and therefore completely off-limits to me. Not something sitting in a middle-ground, you know? And I was right. He grabbed a Family Size box of frosted flakes.
One other thing I noticed yesterday: I felt gross and oily on the outside, but my insides felt... I hate to say it, it sounds so cheesy... but my insides actually felt CLEAN. Like... kind of tingly. Like the mud that'd been caked on for years had been scraped off. I still have that feeling now.

I'm on Day 4 as I write about Day 3. Only one more day to go!

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