Friday, June 26, 2009

So many great things!

First, I FINALLY got the Tribal Machine video up on youtube. Yeah, it only took... ummm.. 4 months. And I'm still not COMPLETELY happy with it, but H. made a good point the other day... I might NEVER be completely happy with it, and the only way to call it done it to just let it go. If I don't put it out there, I'll just keep tweaking it and tweaking it and I'll get more and more anxious about it, thinking it's not any good, and if I keep doing that I'll psych myself out of posting it altogether. So. After all that, here it is:

That's the first thing. Second, I'm registered for my last year of school! Woohoo! I'm almost ready to go out in the real world!

Third, and finally, there's an actual interview with Tommy Wiseau, creator of The Room, on the AV Club! You can read it here:

That's all, have a good day everyone!

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