Monday, June 1, 2009

This was taken from a blog post today about the murder of George Tiller:
“Language is powerful because it is how we order our thoughts. Who among us really thinks in abstract concepts? But it is also a complex game of Telephone, in which messages are relayed, misinterpreted, misapplied, misrepresented and misunderstood. The use of language is fundamentally imperfect because one's listeners are always hearing it through individual filters.” (

Stories like this make me very thankful to live in Canada, where we have laws not only protecting a woman's right to choose, but also laws forbidding anti-choice activists from protesting in front of clinics. These stories also make me very, very scared of America. Why isn't the US government doing more to protect its citizens? And why are people like Bill O'Reily allowed to go on TV and say that Tiller was running a "death mill"? I mean, yes, okay, First Amendment. He's allowed to say whatever he wants. But why isn't the public up in arms about this? Do the majority of US citizens really believe Tiller's murder was justified? I'm just... every time I hear a story like this, I wonder more and more how normal, practical people can survive among the crazies.
So here it is, something I don't think I've ever said in public before, because I'm not one to be political. But here it is: I am 100% pro-choice.
And one has to wonder why the majority of militant anti-choicers are male. Just sayin'.
Read the posting. It's very very good, and expresses my outrage better than I can.

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