Tuesday, October 6, 2009

so a few weeks ago I said I had some news

...and then never got around to saying what it was. It's really not that big of a deal. I'm starting a new blog, is all. Eventually. I think it'll be a music/video blog, and I think it'll be a collaborative effort (meaning I'll ask all my friends to write for it), and it will, most of all, be linked and marketed and updated on a regular basis and all those things a good professional blog should be. Not to say I'm shutting this blog down... I'll always need a place to write public journal entries. Just sayin' I'm trying to be organized, and I'm trying to write more, and I'm trying to make a name for myself.
On that note, Tribal Machine posted that video I made them a few months ago, and the response has been pretty good:

and it sounds like I'll be making them another video. I can't say much about it, because they want the concept to remain secret. All I'll say is that it's for their new album.
What else what else... I'm in school, writing and copy editing, which will be helpful someday. I spent most of last week (and this weekend) freaking out about this paper due Monday morning. A first draft was due Monday morning. And yes, ohmygod, it was a FIRST draft. After handing it out to the entire class, I read it over, and WOW. There's a big gap between the story I want to tell and the story I told, know what I'm sayin'? But at least now I know what I need to do. There was one silver lining to that horrible horrible draft: the story is based on real events, so I thought it best to change people's names. I changed my auntie Holly's name, in the story, to Molly (not very original, I know, but none of the people reading the story will know it's a fake name anyways, so...). But I wrote the story using everyone's real names, then did Find / Replace at 10pm Sunday night, when I was dead tired. These are all details you need to understand the humor of this little story. The last thing you need to know is my description of a character, a guy, whose real name I won't reveal here, but whose name in the story is "Dylan". Here, a bulleted list to help you keep the details straight:
  • Holly's name changed to Molly
  • find / replace
  • late Sunday night, very tired
  • Guy who we'll call "Dylan"
with me so far? Okay. Here's the punchline. Dylan, in the pre-find/replace version, is wearing Buddy Holly glasses. In the version I turned in, he's wearing Buddy MOLLY glasses. harhar.
Also, spellcheck changed "Earl Grey tea" to "Early Gray tea". Which one sounds tastier to you? I can't decide :)

The other thing that happened yesterday... well, before I write it, I'll warn you that it involves World of Warcraft. And feminism.
I started an all-female guild. Oh yes I did. I can't take all the credit, the idea was actually Amber's. But I'd been wanting to start my own guild for a while, and was having trouble coming up with a name. Then Amber posted something about the Asgarda to her FB page, and commented that someone should make a female-only guild called the Asgarda, and... that was all I needed. I'm curious to see how the WoW community - which is mostly teenage boys - will respond to an all-female combat guild. Only time will tell, I guess. And if nothing else, I might get an interesting story out of it :)

And one more thing: I saw Whip It this weekend. Good movie, not mind-blowingly amazing or anything, but good. Strong female characters. And even the antagonists are good people, you know? Everyone, even the villains, are redeemed at the end. Oh, except the "boyfriend", but he's a douche :)
And one more thing: I'm writing an article about roller derby, which is why I was first in line to see the movie. As part of my research I've made a derby name for myself. That name, which I expect you all to use, is (dum da da DAAAAAH):
Dixie Riot
Please refer to me thusly. Such as.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Woohoo Asgarda! I am trying to figure out how to recruit more girls because I think some girls will really like playing wow with other girls. Girls girls girls. Did I mention girls?
Anyway, I am super excited. So glad you did that! My character is up to level 8 now, WOWS. :P