Thursday, September 17, 2009

New Rammstein Video: Porn-tastic or CGI'ed?

Here's the new Rammstein video. Be warned, it's definitely not suitable for work.

H. woke me up this morning to explain the video to me. He said:

"they're, like, actually naked, and fucking these porn stars, and at the end they all come, and stuff shoots out, and..."

Granted, I was still asleep when he was telling me this, and shrugged it off. But when I got up, he'd left it open for me on the computer (thanks hun). So of course I watched it. And... wow. Okay. I can see the point making a video like this, especially if you're a metal band, because the target audience is teenage (and formerly teenage) boys. I've got no problems with that (well no, I DO, but I'll save those for another time). The issue for me is whether or not the band is actually having sex with these women, actually showing their dicks on camera. Because if they are, well, that's kinda gross. I can't believe that the band would be comfortable enough to actually have sex in a music video (how many people are? Oh, except this guy, I guess...), but more than that, I can't believe they think people want to WATCH that. Didn't we learn anything from the Gene Simmons sex tape, people?
So I'm of the belief they used prop dicks (and a couple of stunt men). And this is why:
  1. The dicks look kinda... silicone-y.
  2. The dicks were all proportioned. Come on people, we know that doesn't happen in real life.
  3. None of them are wearing condoms. Irresponsible!
But what do you think? Is it real or fake?

1 comment:

Amber said...

If I could bring myself to watch it I would tell you!