Friday, November 7, 2008


My husband is watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas on TV. I just read Thompson's piece about motorcycle gangs for my journalism class. Both of us are drunk, although I'm probably more drunk thank he is... 1 bottle of wine to 4 beers + 1 sambuca shot for both of us (mine on fire, his not) = me more drunk, correct? I just watched Pot Psychology on, and I think they're funny but... ummm... not very informative...
I've also done some "research" for my (big moment here) [potentially] first music review to be published in an actual publication! not just internet stuff! by watching Youtube videos of the bands I'm going to be reviewing tomorrow - one Swedish death metal (thank god I married a Swede), one Montreal symphonic metal, one... well, I forgot to look them up :)
Husband has changed the channel - now he's watching "Manswers" because, of course, he's a normal guy, and "Manswers" appeals to normal [straight] guys. And I have big boobs. Hence why he married me. Ask him about it sometime... he'll admit [or at least he should] that he's a completely normal, red-blooded, although not necessarily red-necked man.
Amazing that I can spell so well after a bottle of wine and [at least] one shot.
My point is this: update about my current creative endeavours.
1) I'm writing my first concert review tomorrow, for a local "metal" publication, to help my photographer friend get her pictures published. It's all working towards a goal though: we want to do something about the Nine Inch Nails concert in Victoria on December 5th. That is the biggest thing to happen in Victoria since the Pixies played here in 2003.
2) I'm currently copying the video of Joey Chaos's latest concert onto DVD so he can post it on YouTube. If you haven't checked out Joey Chaos yet, you really should, because he's awesome. And honestly, I'd much rather be reviewing goth shows than metal shows. Because goth is a field of interest for me [and husband too... we fell in love at a Sisters of Mercy concert...] more than metal. I don't understand metal, but I'm trying... and hopefully I'll understand it before tomorrow :)
3) Tribal Machine played that last show too, and I filmed parts of it. It's their first show since last year (or maybe January?) and if you're into the band (which you probably are, if you're reading my blog) then you know that the show was a big deal. But more than the show being sort of historical, it was... how you say... calming. It was NICE. Everyone had a great time, everyone got along, everyone felt at ease. It was a great show, because they were confident in their abilites. But also because they were cohesive. I don't know if I'll post anything from the show, but rest assured that SOMEONE has footage of it. And they have a new drummer. And he fits.
I hope to eventually make a video for Tribal Machine - Sever and I were going to meet this summer, but it didn't happen, probably because we both got lost in our own heads. I know I did, anyways. I spent 2 months in the apartment, doing nothing, but waking up at 7:30am every day nonetheless.
Now husband is watching "Fear and Loathing" again, and I have to say, Benicio Del Toro is highly underrated. So is Javier Bardem. An Oscar means nothing; public opinion is all that matters.
Have you ever been to the casino in the Port Place mall in Nanaimo? If not, next time you're in Nanaimo, I suggest you make a stop. It's the only place that's ever made me feel like I exist in the world of Hunter S. Thompson.
Now he's changed the channel again: to MMM, and the Dr. Drew show Celebrity Rehab. Rodney King is on Celebrity Rehab. I think this is a great psychological study: how can somene cope when they've become more of a symbol than a human being? Answer: they can't. That's why he's on Celebrity Rehab.
Now to CNN: Larry King interviewing Maya Angelou. The first poet I ever recognized, the first book of poetry I ever bought, was by Maya Angelou. The first poem that ever struck me, despite the fact that I'm white, was Still I Rise. And now (!) she's reciting it on Larry King! You may write me down in history/ with your bitter, twisted lies / you may trod me in the very dirt / but still, like dust, I rise.
Larry King says "you know, you are a poet." Ummmm.... yeah. of course she is.
At the inaugural: "I shall be the tall black lady, smiling."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey there

Thank little baby jesus for google.
It was that easy to find your blog.

Its very nice to read your words up there on the interweb - makes me miss you bunches.

So I'm currently stalking you - I don't I have your email, or phone number anymore and that's a damned shame.

Send me an email k? sagerae -at- gmil
xoSage Rae